Creating Smiles, Improving Lives

Austin Smiles Blog

Patient Story 

Veracruz, Mexico 2024

In Veracruz, a mother’s journey of love and resilience shines brightly. She is the proud mother of two children, one 14 years old and the other just under a year old, both born with cleft lip and palate conditions.

The mother recalls feeling overwhelmed when her first child was born 14 years ago. “I never realized she had a cleft lip or palate until she was born,” she shares. “I felt devastated at first, with a million different feelings.” This year, her oldest child received lip revision surgery through Austin Smiles, continuing her journey of healing.

When her second child was born with the same condition, the mother felt more prepared: “Having gone through the process with my first child, I was not as worried.” Austin Smiles team provided her second child with a primary lip surgery. “They really help with everything, from transportation to hospitalization, the mother explains. “They treat the children with warmth & good care, offering parents a sense of calmness.” For this family, the compassion and dedication of the Austin Smiles team have made a profound impact, giving the children a chance to lead fuller, happier lives. “Thanks to them, a lot of kids are able to smile,” the mother says with gratitude. This family’s story is a powerful reminder of the difference that Austin Smiles makes.

1 in 700 children are born with a cleft lip or palate

$250 covers the cost of one life-changing surgery

150 volunteers annually will change a child’s life forever

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Medical Mission Trips

Austin Smiles goes on 2-3 medical mission trips annually

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Our Local Services

Our local program support for children born with Cleft Lip and Palate in Texas

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